Ready, Set, Zoom with Hall of Fame, TEDx speaker, Mikki Williams

Photos taken at Mikki's
One Woman Show and will be
available as a pay per view in 2021 on this site

Mikki and Friends Premier Event
Registration is open, woo hoo!!
March 26 Mikki presents
“Electrifying Engagement in a
Normal and Abnormal Environment”
11:00-1:00PM ET $495.00 PP
Bring yourself, bring your team,
bring YOUR friends!
Electrifying Engagement in a Normal and Abnormal Environment
Most people struggle with engaging an audience in a live presentation. That skill has been magnified in a Zoom world. Mikki will share the tips, tools and techniques to keep your team awake, alive and not multi-tasking while you share important info. Be it a town hall, all hands, leadership, board of directors or even a webinar or any virtual scenario, Mikki will give you easy, practical and immediately usable skills to make you the dynamic presenter you were meant to be. Limited attendance and highly interactive, she will model the behavior you need to be successful on screen. You will learn, laugh and love... Mikki and Friends
And time for Q, A and O…she loves Questions, doesn’t profess to have all the Answers and has lots of Opinions:-)
Oh Mikki, you're so fine...
Certified Speaking Professional, CSP
Hall of Fame Speaker, CPAE
TEDx speaker
Top Tier Award winning Vistage Speaker
33 year global celebrity speaker
Named one of the top speakers in the country by Meetings and Convention Magazine
First American speaker to tour South Africa after apartheid and spoke at Mandela's home
Spoke twice at the White House
Featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal
Featured in Forbes as top executive speech coach
Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine
Creator of Speakers School, The Mikki Mouth Club, Speaker Source, Accountability Academy, Keynote Kamp, Outrageous Orators, a monthly eZine: Hair She Is…!, a blog: Mikki Williams' Blah Blah…Blog, all at www.mikkiwilliams.com
mon speakers bureau.
And...she has spoken on every continent
(except Antarctica, where she can't wear her stilettos!)

Friday, March 26 Mikki’s friend,
Lavinia Errico presents
The Joy Connection: A Tool-Building,
Goal-Fulfilling Workshop!
2:00-4:00PM ET $495.00 PP
Bring yourself, bring your team, bring YOUR friends! Register for one or both. Start 2021 with a whole new attitude and aptitude!
Connecting to your Authentic self will help you unleash your brilliance and create better health, better relationships, sustainable business success and a Joy-filled life.”
Join CONSCIOUS ENTREPRENEUR, FOUNDER OF EQUINOX FITNESS CLUBS AND THE INSIDE/OUT MOVEMENT, and Author of the upcoming book and soon-to-launch podcast JOYRIDE, Lavinia Errico, for a
life-changing, conscious-rendering, joyride of a workshop!
General INSIDE OUT site link: www.laviniaerrico.com
Instagram: @laviniajoy
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/insideoutbylavinia

register for