Your speaking coach

How would you like to have one of the country's top professional speakers as your presentation skills coach?
As a professional speaker for over 30 years, Mikki shares an immense wealth of knowledge on the art, heart and business of both speaking and storytelling. She offers a wide array of coaching opportunities within The Mikki Mouth Club TM to accommodate various needs, budgets and schedules.
Familiarize yourself with the various opportunities here, and for the best results, give Mikki a call so she can customer-ize TM a program just for you.
the mikki mouth clubTm
A variety of private coaching options that can be tailored to your specific needs and schedule.
Speakers schoolTM
A two and a half day workshop that compresses 30 years of experience in professional speaking applied to everyone's individual usage.

i want to wow my audience!


Already finished with Speakers SchoolTM? Do you need a more flexible time frame for coaching or to be held accountable for on-going development? Do you prefer one-to-one coaching?
Welcome to The Mikki Mouth ClubTM! Mikki offers the following private coaching packages and speaking opportunities.
What's The Mikki Mouth Club TM?

Five one-to-one customer-ized TM sessions with Mikki in person, on the phone, via Skype or any combination thereof.

Quarterly accountability sessions with Mikki to make sure you're "moving the needle" on your speaking goals. One year commitment required.

Keynote kampTM
A two-day, one to one intensive emerging with a fully-developed, audience-ready, knock-it-out-of-the-park presentation.

coaching testimonials


What you'll learn at school:
Designing a program that people want to hear
Turning what you know into a presentation
Putting humor in your presentations
Learn how to "anchor" your message
How to engage your audience
How to use all the senses for lasting impact
Sequencing and transition in your presentation
How to structure your content and enhance your delivery
From platform paralysis to platform perfection
Become a transformational storyteller
Learn the template for every speech/every story
How to influence buyers/decision makers
Techniques for audience engagement
How to liven up your Power Point or Prezi
And...you'll get to practice your new skills
Storytelling Secrets
If you’re telling a true story from your own life (and it should always be true except for some “artistic liberties”), it can be hard to choose the important main points that you should include. Many people have a tendency to include every detail and end up inundating their audience with facts that dilute the central story arc. Choose a WOW beginning and end to your story, then structure the events as key words. Trust that your audience will be able to follow your story, and don’t overwhelm them with an unnecessary backstory or too much minutia.
What's Speakers SchoolTM?
If your goal is to speak then Speakers School will get you started, and if you're a pro it will help you "sharpen your saw." Speakers School is also for business people who have to give presentations (and who doesn't?), executives, coaches, sales people, administrators, teachers and anyone. It's for everyone else who wants to feel more comfortable when presenting and to learn how to craft THE most impactful speech, whether it's a one-on-one situation or in front of a crowd. With a focus on executive presence through speaking, storytelling and persuasion, Speakers School will help you become a more confident, empathic, authentic leader at home, in business, in your industry and in your community.
Register now to secure your spot for 2025
at the beautiful Esplanade Golf and Country Club
in Naples, FL.
April 24-26 or October 16-18
Day 1: 8:00am-4:00p - The Download
Get the full download on Mikki's 30+ years in speaking, from the art to the business. All skills and foundation.
Day 2: 8:00am-4:00pm - Dynamic Delivery Day
Live coaching and expert critique with Mikki, captured to video for your records.
Day 3: 8:00am-2:00pm - The Rest of the Story
Facilitation Skills/Technology/Business Development/
Open Q&A.
Special pricing for alumni who have completed any portion of Speakers School in the past, call or write for information.
312-802-8447 mikki@mikkiwilliams.com
Overview of School includes content, breakout activities, lots of networking breaks, fun, real world application, experiential activities and more.
*If you need a NO INTEREST payment plan, email: mikki@mikkiwilliams.com
For future scheduling, contact Mikki here.
If you use Paypal, you will notice the $6995.00 is actually $7,279.19 when you check out.
If you want to avoid the service fee, contact faith@mikkiwilliams.com for either
direct deposit info or to mail a check.
Click "Buy Now" Buttons Below
to Register for dates in 2025
April 24-26, 2025

Oct 16-18, 2025

Speakers SchoolTM Gallery!